I sat with my (anguish*) long enough until she told me her real name was grief

* replace with any emotion - sadness, hopelessness, anger, frustration

How do you want to navigate the gut wrenching process of separation & divorce?

How do you want to be on the other side?

Living through the process is brutal. I know. I have been there.

And when it all boils down, underneath all the other emotions, grief simmers away.

Sitting with the ongoing heartbreak is possibly the hardest part of all.

Cultivating a foundation of wellbeing & clarity through this whole process will help you respond to the shit show that you are in, from a more conscious, considered place, to give you the best possible outcome.

Find resources, and ways to connect with yourself, your tribe of supporters, and professional support networks.

It must be a multi-pronged approach.

Let me help you to navigate the journey by helping you to look after your wellbeing

Has your self worth taken a nose dive? Do you feel depleted?

Link in with our Monthly supported Online Course - The Divorce Diet - for support, information and empowerment. Take a peek - it may help you feel not so alone.

Also on offer is 1:1 In-Person or Zoom Coaching

You may not know what is coming next…

But this is the nature of travelling in the depth. This is the nature of living a courageous life. You’re already on the path. You’re already right here in the middle of it. Breathe deep and trust.

You can know peace without knowing tomorrow. You can still know deep joy even though you have known deep sorrow. You have not seen all that there is to see, And that is a beautiful thing. There will be mountains up ahead and open space too. Abundant room to be continually be reminded: there is more ahead of you. And its worth the wait. Its worth it to keep pacing yourself and keep travelling through this, day by day - Morgan Harper Nichols