this is me
I am monica moore. I wear many hats, but I am always a consultant of nourishment & delight. Personally, a more nourishing life is what I am always trying to cultivate.
How do we live a life that sustains us, fills us up, and supports us when life gets hard? Really hard? And how do we cope when things get overwhelming? I am ever curious about finding practices to nourish our heartspace.
I teach, and I write, I move, breathe, sit and cook. I try and make it simple, because our lives are not. I am as guilty as anyone of running myself to the bone.
I don't have one huge defining story that created an indelible mark that has influenced my direction. I have a multitude of vignettes that determine where I am today. I don't subscribe to the reality show genre, so I don't need to emphasise in these pages the messiness that can sometimes be my life. I only need to be able to reference to the point of relatability. I am neither train wreck nor saint...I am perfectly flawed, a work in progress, & that's how I like it.
I love my family & friends. I love the mountains and the sea. I love to travel. To eat. To cook. To hike. To ski. To learn. To have conversations. To be still. To find those quiet moments when I can hear the beating of my heart.
The evolution of my business has always ebbed & flowed with my role as a mother. My children are now a little older, so I have more time to invest and play.
I have a yoga practice that spans over 35 years, and what I know for sure, is that when I lose the foundations that this practice has given me, whether I am on the mat or not - my world becomes a little less shiny around the edges. I advocate a framework where we bend with flexible routines, rather than habitually break dogmatic rules.
Ever the pragmatist, I take an earthy, rather than ethereal approach with my programs, encouraging us all to reconnect with our innate wisdom that often gets lost in the noise of the world. we must pay attention to our life, but we also must find humour in the madness.
I follow the mantra of being the "guide on the side, not the sage on the stage" in order to support and empower others. I hope you find practices and food to nourish your bodies and words to enrich your souls in these pages.
thanks for stopping by.