Unplug - A Quiet Retreat

Friday August 30 - Sept 1st

Wednesday 6th - 8th November

Budgalong Lodge at Spicers Creek is a special place.

The 2 tented camps ( Mountview Camp and Fairfield Camp) are nestled atop a ridge separate from each other.

It is a place where you can literally unplug to focus on a creative project, or simply take time to nurture yourself.

In collaboration with Budgalong Lodge, I am offering a quiet retreat for those who wish to:

  • write, research or work on a project;

  • paint, knit, sculpt, read;

  • study for exams.

  • REST

Come and reclaim time for you. Be immersed in nature. Be nourished with food based on wholefood principles, and be guided through practices to facilitate clarity in mind and ease in body.

Let us take care of the external world, while you re-introduce

yourself to your internal one.

Let the day unfold:

  • A morning stretch before settling into your work or rest;

  • Breakfast, lunch & tea time boxes;

  • An optional mindful walk in nature.

  • A communal gathering for dinner

  • In-room recorded guided relaxation session will be available.

Come and still your mind, nurture your heart and nourish your body in a place where there is nothing to distract you and everything to inspire you.

We can’t wait to welcome you at Budgalong Lodge, Spicers Creek


Special Launch Price for these first retreats $995

(Photo Credit: Stephanie Hunter)


  • When we retreat we are simply stepping away for a moment in time, from a world that demands so much of us. We often jump from crisis to crisis or are sabotaged by agendas that are not ours. We seem to have lost all of the full stops and punctuation points in our life & if we don’t wrestle back time and space for ourselves we become untethered.  Deep in our souls. 1/4

  • Retreating gives us an opportunity to unravel from the things that bind; to turn down the noise of the world, and to find the touchstones that bring us back home to ourselves.  These are tasks that require intention, attention, guidance & continual revisiting. 2/4

  • Creating a life we don’t want to run away from is the goal, where we flow with challenges & amplify all the good stuff to create contentment and joy despite what is going on. We use the foundational elements of move, eat, breathe, rest & connect to structure the gatherings and we add contemplative techniques for insight. 3/4  

  • Join us for a series of at home and in person retreats to create space for you to rest, unravel, reconsider, and renew your commitment to yourself.4/4

Coming Soon

  • Multi-Day Retreats

    Take time to unravel. come by yourself, or come with friends. Connect to yourself, connect with others.

  • 4 Hour Express ReTREAT

    Short on Time? No worries.

    Leave feeling restored, inspired & ready to face your world again.

  • At Home Retreat

    Set up your own oasis. Be guided with videos, worksheets, and all the tips you need to gather in your own time. Check in seasonally with you.

  • Reimagining Midlife

    We are the sum total of all of our experiences which give shape to the ones coming. No matter where you are…Your Story Isn’t Over Yet.