Restorative Yoga
In our increasingly fragmented world, restorative yoga gives us an opportunity to become whole again. Where we can give ourselves permission to just be with ourselves for 2 hours. I know, obscene isn't it?! Two whole hours just for ourselves. For most of us, our sympathetic nervous system is constantly firing without any real opportunity to be quiet – we are constantly in a state of flight or fight (ie stress).
A fabulous antidote to this way of living is Restorative Yoga.
The very nature of it emphasises deliberately slowing down, bringing comfort and ease to our otherwise busy bodies, and scattered minds.....The practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for resting and digesting, restoring an easy, long, slow, deep breath, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, relaxing tension, allowing all the pieces of ourselves to come back together – body, mind and spirit.
Our culture is built on how productive we can be, how much we can achieve and keep achieving. It can feel as if nothing is ever enough. The restorative yoga practice is all about simplicity. We practice observing. We allow all the tension in our body to melt and we let ourselves have a delicious rest. We use props – blankets, bolsters and blocks - intelligently and wisely, so no joint is hanging, everything is supported.
There is no effort, except to surrender.
With nothing else to do but breathe, we invite a deeper breath into the body, to nourish ourselves at a cellular level. Once in the pose, we hold. For 5 minutes. For 10 minutes.
And breathe.
We heal, we restore.
We stop DOING and just BE.
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