Baggage & Bucketlists

We are evolving constantly. External & internal environments influence our choices. To keep optimising & enjoying our life, we reflect, have insight, adjust accordingly, then start the process again. We make goals, plans and plot some touchpoints to support our physical, emotional & mental wellbeing.

I am a big fan of taking notice of what is working & what might need some tweaking in my life, what I have learnt, what I can release.

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things

-Henry Miller

Here is your invitation to join me to consider some options.

Baggage and Bucketlists is a check in for you to land & unpack a few things, because you you can’t check things off your bucketlist while dragging around all the things that just aren’t serving you optimally.

A very efficient but focused 20 minute session, to gather together, gather some thoughts, & open a conversation with yourself.

What You Get:

  • A 20 minute Webinar

  • A 3 minute breath practice

  • A PDF Playbook with a recipe + prompts to get you thinking

  • Clarity around where you are now, giving you a place to step into where you want to be

Moore Nourishing Life is about living life in the transitions. Defining & refining, who you are, what you love & how to get there. Embrace the chaos & rebuild the scaffolding of your life one step at a time.